"If anyone would come after me. He must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me, for whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. Mathew 16:24-25

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Steps to success

My writing and approach to writing has changed over the years. I used to approach writing the same way I did in life, compulsively. An idea would spark in my mind and I would hurriedly write it down before I forgot it. Either I would write a little more on it or I would leave it collecting dust on a word page forever. I rarely finished my writing. Why? Because I lacked the focus, motivation, and planning to complete it. As I've gotten older I have become more focused. If I enjoy something, it is a lot easier to focus on it. That is where motivation comes into play. The key is to find something of interest in things I have to do and remind myself why I do what I do during my free time. But focus and motivation become 100 times harder if I do not have a plan. If I make a detailed plan, breaking down my big ideas into little steps, then my fears begin to dissipate and my idea begins to look like something I can make a reality.

I have completed a few more little steps to my goal of becoming a novelist. I have done this by taking the advice of a few people.

1. I have set up a writing space based off of Rachelle Dekker's blog post description of her writing space.
2. Downloaded Scrivner, A powerful writing tool that can help with organization and research.
3. Downloaded evernote to help me continue to streamline and organize my life
4. Listened to Kevin Kaiser's webinar on how to achieve your goals and establish a core of dedicated fans.
5. read my notes from the Rewrite conference and follow up email advice/provoking questions/quizzes to help me with focus, motivation, and planning for my life and my writing.

In summary, in order to succeed in my writing (and life) I need to have focus, motivation, and a detailed plan. I hoped this helped you in your own life. What's your plan for your life? What gives you your motivation? How do you stay focused? Hit me in the comments below.

(I tried to attach pictures of my writing space but blogger was being resistive)

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